Become A Powerful Creator By Harnessing The Power Of Your Superconscious!Wendy is an inspiring speaker, passionate educator, and a highly sought-after transformational coach. She works with you to help release emotional baggage, ingrained emotions, and negative self-beliefs that you may not even be aware of, which hold you back, preventing you from achieving the results you want.
Wendy loves her life living her true nature and purpose. In 2015, she decided to re-wire after a 35 year municipal career to specialize in Superconscious Healing, helping people become Conscious Creators.. If you want big results, you must shift your internal blueprint!
As a certified Magnetic Mind Coach and Body Code Practitioner, you have an opportunity to learn and shift what has been holding you back from living a life you desire. By understanding the core principle that you ar not broken, you can learn a differnt way and tune into your Superconscious and become a Conscious Creator!
What we have been taught about success and manifesting is somewhere between incomplete and just plain wrong. We have been programmed to focus on problems and how we can fix ourselves to have what we want. The truth is, YOU DON'T NEED TO FIX YOURSELF. You can be exactly who you are and create what you want. The key is getting into the right structure. Take your desires from dreams to manifestation and fruition.
"Thanks Wendy, you gave me a valuable gift for helping me deal with some deep issues. I am so thankful that I am living my dreamlife on the island. It was the best move we could have made and enjoy a slower pace of life. My business is thriving, and my parents and I enjoy our lives. I love my walks too! It's beautiful here." ~ Flo W. Bookkeeping /Accountant Entrepreneur
Wendy has coached entrepreneurs, sports teams, trained instructors, employees, and students. She has led numerous workshops, seminars, and large community events. Her former career as Coordinator gave her many opportunities to work on several large Community Development Projects that involved businesses, corporations, nonprofit organizations, employees, and volunteers. As well, for the past 28 years she has always been an entrepreneur alongside her career to help support her two children as a single mom.
All projects first began with a vision, then created a blueprint and implemented the plans with goals and timelines. Her work has led to a legacy of parks, trails, campaigns, celebrations, community events and facilities that have benefited businesses, schools, and the community. "Dreams and visions can become a reality"!
Wendy loves to share her expertise and has delivered several presentations at municipal, provincial and national conferences to assist others in moving their projects forward. Wendy is thrilled to offer an entire suite of certified coaching programs including Magentic Mind prinicples, that helped thousands of people across the globe achieve success and happiness.
Wendy offers content rich interactive workshops that take participants on a journey in which they design, define, test, and experience a crystal-clear vision of the life they would love – a life that is in alignment with their highest purpose. They will have a unique opportunity to “step into” the life they are imagining and feel a resounding “yes” affecting and improving their life and the lives that surround them.
As a certified Magnetic Mind Coach and Body Code Practitioner, you have an opportunity to learn and shift what has been holding you back from living a life you desire. By understanding the core principle that you ar not broken, you can learn a differnt way and tune into your Superconscious and become a Conscious Creator!
What we have been taught about success and manifesting is somewhere between incomplete and just plain wrong. We have been programmed to focus on problems and how we can fix ourselves to have what we want. The truth is, YOU DON'T NEED TO FIX YOURSELF. You can be exactly who you are and create what you want. The key is getting into the right structure. Take your desires from dreams to manifestation and fruition.
- Magically Manifest & Become A Conscious Creator
- Choose the 'End Results' Using the Core 4 Method
- Create Structural Tension By Consciously Setting Up A '2-Point' Structure
- Use the Power of Epigenetics To Step Into The Emotion of The End Result To Create Your New Identity
- Unplug From Your Past & Current Identity To Let Go Of The Old (This is different from healing.)
- Take The Correct Action So You Magnetically Move Towards Your True Goals
"Thanks Wendy, you gave me a valuable gift for helping me deal with some deep issues. I am so thankful that I am living my dreamlife on the island. It was the best move we could have made and enjoy a slower pace of life. My business is thriving, and my parents and I enjoy our lives. I love my walks too! It's beautiful here." ~ Flo W. Bookkeeping /Accountant Entrepreneur
Wendy has coached entrepreneurs, sports teams, trained instructors, employees, and students. She has led numerous workshops, seminars, and large community events. Her former career as Coordinator gave her many opportunities to work on several large Community Development Projects that involved businesses, corporations, nonprofit organizations, employees, and volunteers. As well, for the past 28 years she has always been an entrepreneur alongside her career to help support her two children as a single mom.
All projects first began with a vision, then created a blueprint and implemented the plans with goals and timelines. Her work has led to a legacy of parks, trails, campaigns, celebrations, community events and facilities that have benefited businesses, schools, and the community. "Dreams and visions can become a reality"!
Wendy loves to share her expertise and has delivered several presentations at municipal, provincial and national conferences to assist others in moving their projects forward. Wendy is thrilled to offer an entire suite of certified coaching programs including Magentic Mind prinicples, that helped thousands of people across the globe achieve success and happiness.
- Certified Magnetic Mind Coach
- Certified Life Mastery Consultant and DreamBuilder Coach, Brave Thinking Institute, USA
- Certified Emotion Code and Body Code Practitioner, Discover Healing, USA
- Honours B.P.E. Degree, McMaster University, Canada
- Instructor Diploma, University of British Columbia, Canada
- Over 24 years of study in the Science of Mind, Centre's for Spiritual Living International
Wendy offers content rich interactive workshops that take participants on a journey in which they design, define, test, and experience a crystal-clear vision of the life they would love – a life that is in alignment with their highest purpose. They will have a unique opportunity to “step into” the life they are imagining and feel a resounding “yes” affecting and improving their life and the lives that surround them.

Picture is from Vision 2020 VIP Vision Workshop